National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) Money Considered in Committee under Standing Order No. 69. [Major MILNER in the Chair] Resolved: "That for the purposes of any Act of the present Session to substitute for the Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1925 to 1943, a system of insurance against personal injury caused by accident arising out of and in the course of a person's employment and against prescribed diseases and injuries due to the nature of a person's employment and for purposes connected therewith, it is expedient to authorise the payment out of moneys provided by Parliament ofโ€” (a) contributions towards the cost of benefit payable under the said Act and any other payments to be made out of the Industrial Injuries Fund established hereunder, being contributions not exceeding sums estimated by the Treasury to be equal to one-fifth of the aggregate contributions paid under the said Act by employers and insured persons;(b) such other sums as may be required for making any payments (not being payments in respect of the cost of such benefit as aforesaid or other payments required by the said Act to be made out of the said Fund) which are authorised or required by the said Act to be made by the Minister of National Insurance or any other Government department."โ€”(King's Recommendation signified.)โ€”[Mr. James Griffiths.] Resolution to be reported To-morrow.