Limavady Water Supply MR. O'DOHERTY I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland will he explain why the Local Government Board have threatened the Limavady Rural District Council to take action under Section 15 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1896, should the district council not proceed with a scheme for providing a water supply near the Ballykelly Railway Station, a rural district, not a town, although the existing water supply is satisfactory in quantity and quality to all parties in the district, including the sanitary officer of the district, who is also the medical officer, who has so certified that the water supply is fit for domestic use; was due inquiry made by the Board into the question whether the district council have been guilty of any default with reference to said water supply; and, if so, was an Order made by the said Board limiting the time for the performance of what the Local Government Board consider the duty of the district council; and will he state who held this inquiry, and upon whose complaint did the Local Government Board move in this matter. MR. WYNDHAM A formal complaint under Section 15 of the Act of 1896 was made to the Board by residents of the district, including a rural district councillor, in October last. The rural council decline to take any steps towards improving the water supply, and the Board has intimated that it may he compelled to proceed under the enactment referred to. The Report of the Medical Officer of Health tended to show that the stream from which the water supply is taken is polluted. A public inquiry in pursuance of Section 15 has not yet been held.