Departmental Expenditure Limit (2010-11) The Secretary of State for Scotland (Michael Moore) Subject to parliamentary approval of the necessary supplementary estimates, the departmental expenditure limit (DEL) provision for the administration of the Scotland Office (including the office of the Advocate-General for Scotland) will be increased by £1,900,000 and this takes account of the take-up of resource DEL End Year Flexibility of £1,900,000. Scotland Office spending is contained within the single Ministry of Justice departmental expenditure limit and administration costs limit. The Scotland DEL will be decreased by £116,335,000 from £28,703,787,000 to £28,587,452,000. Within the total DEL change, the impact on resources and capital is set out in the following table: ------------------------------------------------ |£'000 |Change |New DEL | ------------------------------------------------ |Resource DEL |-16.335 |25,841,119| ------------------------------------------------ |Capital DEL |-100,000|3,288,567 | ------------------------------------------------ |Resource DEL + Capital DEL|-116,335|29,129,686| ------------------------------------------------ |Less Depreciation |- |542,234 | ------------------------------------------------ |Total DEL |-116,335|28,587,452| ------------------------------------------------ The decrease in the Scotland DEL takes account of the following adjustments to the Scottish Government provision: A DEL Reduction of £130,000,000(£30,000,000 resource and £100,000,000 capital); A claim on the DEL reserve of £28,665,000 for Student Loans Subsidy (cost of loan interest capping); and A transfer of £15,000,000 to the Scotland Office to cover the costs of the forthcoming Scottish Parliament Election.