Cruisers 13. Commander SOUTHBY asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the names of the cruisers now in reserve commission? The FIRST LORD of the ADMIRALTY (Mr. A. V. Alexander) The following cruisers are now in reserve: ------------------------ |Capetown. |Dartmouth.| ------------------------ |Cambrian. |Calliope. | ------------------------ |Constance. |Carysfort.| ------------------------ |Cleopatra. |Caradoc. | ------------------------ |Birmingham.|Brisbane. | ------------------------ |Lowestoft. |Adelaide. | ------------------------ The two last named belong to the Royal Australian Navy. I may add that, since my reply of the 5th February (OFFICIAL REPORT, column 1880) to the hon. and gallant Member, "Caradoc," which was then in full commission, has been relieved by "Dauntless," which was at that time paid off for repairs. The number of cruisers in reserve has thus been increased from 11 to 12 and as explained in my reply of the 12th February (OFFICIAL REPORT, column 395), there are now only six cruisers instead of seven paid off for repairs.