Physiotherapists And Occupational Therapists Mr. McGrady To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many people were on the waiting list for occupational therapy in the Down and Lisburn unit of management, Newry and Mourne unit of management and Banbridge and Craigavon unit of management in 1983, 1986, 1989 and at the latest available date. Mr. Hanley [holding answer 4 May 1993]: The information requested is not collected centrally and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost. Mr. McGrady To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many (a) occupational therapists and (b) physiotherapists were employed in the Eastern and Southern health and social services boards; and, of these, how many were employed in the Down and Lisburn unit of management, Newry and Mourne unit of management and Banbridge and Craigavon unit of management in each of the years ended 31 March since 1983.--------- | | --------- |1983 NO| --------- |WTE | --------- |1984 NO| --------- |WTE | --------- |1985 NO| --------- |WTE | --------- |1986 NO| --------- |WTE | --------- |1987 NO| --------- |WTE | --------- |1988 NO| --------- |WTE | --------- |1989 NO| --------- |WTE | --------- |1990 NO| --------- |WTE | --------- |1991 NO| --------- |WTE | --------- |1992 NO| --------- |WTE | --------- |1993 NO| --------- |WTE | --------- Mr. McGrady To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many (a) physiotherapists and (b) occupational therapists are employed in the Eastern and Southern health and social services boards; and how many of these are located in the Down and Lisburn unit of management, Newry and Mourne unit of management and Banbridge and Craigavon unit of management; Mr. Hanley [holding answer 4 May 1993]: The number of physiotherapists and occupational therapists employed in the Eastern and Southern health and social services boards and located in Down and Lisburn, Newry and Mourne, and Banbridge and Craigavon units of management at 31 March was as follows: ------------------------------ | | ------------------------------ | | ------------------------------ |Eastern H&SS Board | ------------------------------ |Southern H&SS Board | ------------------------------ |Down and Lisburn Unit | ------------------------------ |Newry and Mourne Unit | ------------------------------ |Banbridge and Craigavon Unit| ------------------------------ Note WTE=Whole Time Equivalents Figures for Banbridge and Craigavon include both the community and hospitals units of management.