School Leavers (Scotland) Mr. Donald Stewart asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many school leavers are currently unemployed in Scotland; and what percentage this is of all school leavers last year. Mr. John Fraser At this month's count, 1,215 school leavers were registered as unemployed in Scotland. This is 1ยท8 per cent. of the total number of leavers during the previous year. Mrs. Winifred Ewing asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will make a statement on the situation at the end of this school term on the unemployment situation for school leavers in Scotland. Mr. John Fraser It is expected that about 48,000 school leavers in Scotland will be seeking employment at the end of this year's summer term. Careers officers are now in touch with employers about finding jobs for these young people, but it is too early to make a firm judgment of their employment prospects.