Offshore Wind Power Mr. Swire To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what discussions she has had with the Ministry of Defence over the projected expansion of offshore wind power; and what assessments have been made of the potential interference with its radar system. [128127] Mr. Timms The Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Defence wrote to me recently to reaffirm the MOD's full commitment achievement for our target that 10 per cent. of the UK's electricity supplies are to be generated from renewable resources.At official level officials in my Department maintain an on-going dialogue with their MOD counterparts on renewable energy issues including offshore wind power. The MOD attends the Wind Energy and Aviation Interests Working Group which is chaired by the Department and which provides a forum where a range of issues can be addressed.Companies who intend to submit bids in response to the Crown Estate's July 2003 invitation to tender for offshore wind farm site options have been advised to consult the MOD and the Civil Aviation Authority who will advise whether they would object to development in any particular location on grounds on potential radar interference or for other reasons. The Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Defence has reassured me that where MOD objects to a development his Department will do whatever is practicable to negotiate with the developer to reach a mutually acceptable agreement that would result in objection being withdrawn.More generally, the Wind Energy and Aviation Interests Working Group has commissioned research into the effects of rotating turbine blades on radar. Work is progressing on a computer model that will describe the effects of particular wind farms on individual radar systems. A second study is investigating measures to mitigate the potential effects on radar of wind turbines.