Title "To give statutory effect for a limited period to Resolutions varying or renewing taxation, and to make provision with respect to payments and deductions made on account of any temporary tax between the dates of the expiration and renewal of the tax." Mr. CASSEL I beg to move, at the end to insert the words "and to amend the laws of Customs and Inland Revenue including Excise." I think the title must be amended by putting in the words which are in the Finance Act in regard to amending the law of Customs. Mr. POLLOCK I beg to second the Amendment. Sir RUFUS ISAACS I do not think there is any necessity to amend the Title. All we are doing is to provide for deductions which have to be made, and for the provision and collection of taxes. It is not necessary to insert these words, and I am quite sure it is not desirable to add to the Title of a Bill any unnecessary word. Mr. CASSEL I do not desire to press this to a Division if the Government refuse to take advantage of a proposal to have their Title put right for them. I ask leave to withdraw my Amendment. Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Bill to be read the third time upon Monday next (21st April).