Savoy And Berkeley Hotels (Inquiry) Mr. Snow asked the President of the Board of Trade whether the terms of reference of the inspector he has appointed to investigate the affairs of the Savoy Hotel Limited and the Berkeley Hotel Company, include specific investigation into the source of the financing of the purchase of the stock which was in the possession of the person of whom he has been separately informed; and whether this inspector will report in what circumstances, and by whom, a financial guarantee was given in respect of this particular purchase. Mr. P. Thorneycroft The inspector's terms of reference require him to investigate the affairs of the Savoy Hotel Limited and the Berkeley Hotel Company Limited, with special reference to the formation of Worcester Buildings Company (London) Limited and the transfer to the latter company of the freehold of the site of the Berkeley Hotel. The terms of the inspector's appointment do not require him specifically to investigate or report on matters relating to the purchase of the stock in question, and, therefore, although it is a matter for the inspector's decision, it is unlikely that he will report on the transaction referred to.