Disabled Persons Mr. Alfred Morris asked the Secretary of State for Employment what consideration he has given to the review of "Disabled People and their Employment" undertaken for the Association of Disabled Professionals by Melvyn Kettle; what action he is taking; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Jim Lester [pursuant to his reply, 15 November 1979, c. 731]: The Minister of State in my Department has personally considered this review and in contributing the foreword to the publication has welcomed it as an important contribution to the understanding of the potential of disabled people in employment.I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission, which is responsible for the public employment service for disabled people, that it has also welcomed the review and has distributed leaflets—a copy has been placed in the library—on behalf of the Association of Disabled Professionals. The MSC has also included references to and extracts from the review in the publicity literature distributed during its current "Fit for Work" campaign to encourage more and better employment opportunities for disabled people.