Conference Centre, Westminster Mr. Wheeler asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if a name has been selected for the conference centre now under construction at Broad Sanctuary, Westminster. Sir George Young I am pleased to announce that the Queen has graciously agreed that the centre may be named The Queen Elizabeth II conference centre.It has also been decided to name the main rooms in the centre generally after the British figures who have made a significant contribution to modern society. These rooms will be named as follows: Auditorium—Churchill AuditoriumConference Room 1 —Fleming RoomConference Room 2 —Whittle RoomConference Room 3—Rutherford RoomConference Room 4—Henry Moore RoomUpper Conference Suite—Mountbatten SuiteMain Delegates' Lounge—Benjamin Britten LoungeSmall Delegates' Lounge—Nightingale RoomPress Lounge—Caxton LoungeSmall Dining Room—Abbey Room