Institute Of Public Administration (Grant) 33. Mr. Geoffrey Cooper asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer on what grounds the Institute of Public Administration was selected for a grant of £6,000 for each of the three years; and how far he intends to make similar grants to similar organisations which also recruit their members from, and take an interest in, the organisation of public services, such as the Institute of Personnel Management, the Institute of Works Managers, the Office Management Association, the Industrial Welfare Society and others. The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Sir Stafford Cripps) The grant-in-aid is a temporary subvention towards the general purposes of the Institute of Public Administration. Its purpose is to help to tide over the difficulties of an Institute towards which the Government feels itself under special obligation because of the contribution it makes, by bringing together those in central Government with those engaged in other forms of public service, to the study and improvement of the practice of public administration. The Government has not the same direct obligation to the other bodies mentioned, which cater for a wider field, including industry and commerce. I ought in fairness to those bodies to add that I am not aware that any Government grant has been sought or suggested by them. Mr. Cooper Could my right hon. and learned Friend say why a similar subvention should not be made to other societies who have a similar interest in management in public affairs, and would he give consideration to any applications made by similar organisations referred to in the Question? Is not the British Institute of Management the real Government-sponsored organisation for dealing with such matters as are now referred to the Institute of Public Administration? Sir S. Cripps As my hon. Friend knows, it has stated that it is not able to deal with public administration, because it is concentrating, in the first instance, on industrial matters and, therefore, in the meantime it is desirable that we should give this assistance. Mr. Mikardo Is my right hon. and learned Friend aware that this body is doing extremely valuable work and giving very good value for its subvention by contrast with some other bodies, like the British Institute of Management, which gets much more public money and gives much less value for it.