Sick Leave 63. Squadron Leader Albert Cooper asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the entitlement of ordinary and sick leave of civil servants in all grades; how much sick leave is taken annually without the support of a doctor's certificate; and what would be the saving in personnel and finance if Civil Service holidays were brought into line with industry generally. Mr. R. A. Butler The provisions governing sick leave and annual leave in the Civil Service (which are complicated) are described in the Factual Memorandum submitted by the Treasury to the Royal Commission on the Civil Service, of which I am sending a copy to my hon. and gallant Friend, As regards the second part of the Question, Departments may at their discretion allow a few odd days of sick absence without a medical certificate, not exceeding seven days in any 12 months. But without special inquiry I could not say how much sick-leave is so granted, or frame an estimate in reply to the last part of the Question.