Armagh Rural Postmen MR. JOHN CAMPBELL (Armagh, S.) I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether he is aware that, in consequence of the establishment some two years ago of the house-to-house delivery in the Armagh rural postal district, the labours of two of the country postmen were increased; that both these men petitioned for a revision of their walks; that this petition was granted in the case of one of these men, and his walk curtailed some eight months ago, while in the case of the other man no survey of his walk has yet taken place, so that he is still obliged to travel one hour daily beyond the allotted period; what was the cause of the disparity in the treatment of the two men; and whether, in the latter case, the man will be allowed extra remuneration for the extra labour performed. MR. AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN The Postmaster General will cause inquiry to be made at once into the circumstances of the case, and the hon. Member shall be informed of the result as soon as possible.