Central Policy Review Staff Mr. Arnold asked the Prime Minister, pursuant to the answer to the hon. Member for Hazel Grove on 7 December, Official Report, c. 437, if she will specify the job description of each of the posts which have been established in the unit supporting the chief scientist, Central Policy Review Staff. The Prime Minister The holders of these posts will assist the chief scientist, Central Policy Review Staff, in discharging his functions, which were set out in annex A to the Government's response to the first report of the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology in Session 1981–82 (Cmnd. 8591). Three posts—including the two transferred from within the Cabinet Secretariat—will be concerned primarily with support for the Advisory Council for Applied Research and Development, a fourth with the annual review of Government research and development in the context of the public expenditure survey, and the two others with co-ordination in areas—such as space and biotechnology—affecting a number of departments, and with international collaboration.