Teachers' Exchange Visits 29. Mr. Pearl asked the Minister of Education if she will give details of schemes for the exchange of teachers and students between this country and abroad for the year 1952. Miss Horsbrugh Under the schemes described in a memorandum of which I am sending the hon. Member a copy, it is hoped to arrange about 100 exchanges of teachers between the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries; a similar number between the United Kingdom and the United States, and a smaller number with European countries. The memorandum also describes arrangements for the appointment of junior assistants which enable many students to spend a year in another country. Mr. Pearl How does this compare with the previous year? Would the Minister give a further assurance that because of the policy of educational retrenchment the schemes will not be retracted this year? Miss Horsbrugh The same numbers are involved. It is difficult to make arrangements with a large number of European countries. The number last year was very small, but I shall certainly encourage the schemes.