Service Personnel (Parliamentary Candidature) 47. Mr. Low asked the Minister of Defence what new regulations have been issued, or are to be issued, which define the conditions under which officers and men serving whole-time in the Regular Forces and serving under the National Service Acts respectively, may announce themselves as candidates for Parliament. 48 and 49. Brigadier Head asked the Minister of Defence (1) what new regulations have been issued, or are to be issued which define the conditions under which officers and men serving whole-time in the Regular Forces may announce themselves as candidates for Parliament; (2) what regulations have been issued, or are to be issued, which define the conditions under which officers and men called up for service under the National Service Acts may announce themselves as candidates for Parliament. The Minister of Defence (Mr. Shinwell) The rules governing the Parliamentary candidature of all categories of Crown servants, including members of the Forces, were contained in an Order in Council made on 25th April, 1950, entitled the Servants of the Crown (Parliamentary Candidature) Order, 1950. I am circulating the text of this Order in the OFFICIAL REPORT. The application of the provisions of the Order, to members of the Forces has since been defined in administrative instructions issued by the Service Departments. An amendment to King's Regulations and Admiralty Instruction, Article 17a, the text of which I am also circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT, has been issued. Corresponding regulations for the Army and R.A.F. will be issued in due course. Following is the text: