Pensions Mr. J. GARDNER asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury what are the classes which are separately dealt with for the purpose of estimating the pension liability in preparing the Post Office commercial accounts; and what are the percentages of wages, including bonus, for each class in respect of which a separate percentage is employed? Mr. LEES-SMITH I have been asked to reply to this question. The classes dealt with separately and the percentages of wages (including bonus) represented by the current provision for pension liability, following actuarial investigation, are as follow: ---------------------------------------------------------------- |Administrative and Clerical Staff | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |Indoor Manipulative and Supervising Staff | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |Miscellaneous Staff (Night Telephonists, Porters, etc.) | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |Engineering Manipulative Staff | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |Postmen | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |Administrative and Clerical Staff | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |Indoor Postal and Telegraph Manipulative and Supervising Staff| ---------------------------------------------------------------- |Telephonists and Supervising Staff | ----------------------------------------------------------------