Alien Officers (British Ships) 32. Mr. CATHCART WASON asked how many aliens are employed as officers in ships under the protection of the British flag; and what powers, if any, the Board of Trade can exercise in granting or withholding the necessary certificates to enable aliens to be so employed? Mr. BUXTON The Census of Seamen for 3rd April, 1911 (Cd. 6442) shows that 87 masters, 310 mates and 288 engineers of foreign nationality were employed in British registered trading vessels on that day out of a total of 7,995 masters, 12,578 mates, and 17,589 engineers so employed. Under the Regulations made in pursuance of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, the Board of Trade cannot withhold a certificate of competency merely on the ground of the nationality of the candidate, but the percentage of British certificates issued yearly to foreigners is only about 1½ per cent. Sir FORTESCUE FLANNERY Have the Board of Trade considered the advisability of bringing in legislation which would prevent aliens acquiring certificates under the British flag, having regard to the difficulties which might arise in time of war? Mr. BUXTON Certainly, if the question became important, but at the present time only 1½ per cent. of the whole number of certificates are held by foreign officers. Sir F. FLANNERY Does the Board of Trade not regard even that small percentage as sufficient to qualify a number of alien pilots who might be dangerous in time of war? Mr. BUXTON It is a question of degree. Sir G. PARKER Can the right hon. Gentleman tell us whether 1½ per cent. is an increasing or decreasing number? Mr. BUXTON I must have notice of that question.