Aviation Mr. Prisk To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what average fare per return journey at 2000 prices is used for each of the examples shown in Table 14.5 of "The Future of Air Transport in the United Kingdom: South East", for (a) 2000 and (b) 2003. [122497] Mr. McNulty The average fare per return journey at 2000 prices implicit in each of the examples shown in Table 14.5 of "The Future of Air Transport in the United Kingdom: South East" is the sum of the fare premia for 2030 given in that table, plus an underlying fare in the absence of airport capacity constraints of£258 in 2030. The underlying fare in the year 2030 is calculated by taking a 1 per cent. per annum reduction in real terms over 20 years from a fare in the year 2000 of £312. The latter figure is derived from the International Passenger Survey, taking account of long haul and short haul flights. Mr. Peter Ainsworth To ask the Secretary of State for Transport whether he will include for approval in the forthcoming White Paper on aviation any proposal which was not presented by his Department for public consultation under SERAS. [122896] Mr. McNulty As my right hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Transport, has made clear or many occasions, we will consider carefully all serious worked-up proposals submitted as responses to the consultation.If Government were minded to favour in the proposed air transport White Paper any option or options which had not been presented in the "The Future Development of Air Transport in the United Kingdom" consultation, there would need to be a further period of consultation on that option or options.