Newcastle-Under-Lyme 70. Mr. Swingler asked the Minister of Transport what are his present estimates of the cost of the trunk road improvement scheme for Newcastle-under-Lyme and of the length of time the constructional work will take. Mr. Marples The cost of this scheme is now estimated at just over £481,000. The time taken will depend on how the constructional work is phased. 71. Mr. Swingler asked the Minister of Transport how much has been spent by his Department on the improvement of roads in Newcastle-under-Lyme in each of the last five years. Mr. Marples In 1956–57, £7,624; in 1957–58, £21,514; in 1958–59, £89,745; in 1959–60, £131,042 and in 1960–61, £149,678.