Norfolk Broads (Revocation Of Restrictions) 37. Colonel Medlicott asked the Home Secretary whether he is, now in a position to make any further statement in regard to the removal of the restrictions on the use of the Norfolk Broads? Mr. H. Morrison Yes, Sir. I am glad to be able to inform my hon. and gallant Friend that an Order is being made by the Regional Commissioner, after consultation with the appropriate authorities, revoking the restrictions on the mooring, anchoring or keeping of boats on certain waters, rivers or broads which were imposed by his directions in 1941. I should, however, make it clear that the navigation of boats on tidal waters in this areas will be subject to the requirements of the Admiralty Orders which restrict navigation on tidal waters to those vessels in respect of which permits are issued by the naval authority concerned. I should also point out that vessels in this part of the country are still required to be immobilised when left unattended, whether on tidal or other waters.