Perishable Food 78. Mr. VINCENT KENNEDY asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether traders have frequently been left with a considerable surplus of perishable food which has gone to loss; and will he say if any compensation is provided by the Government or are any steps about to be taken in the matter? Mr. CLYNES I have no information to support the suggestion made in the first part of the question, and I know no reason why traders should suffer a loss on the-grounds alleged. If the hon. Member refers to the possibility that traders may find themselves unable to dispose of stocks of rationed foods of a perishable nature, I may point out that food control committees have power to grant strictly temporary licences to traders to sell such foods-without coupons where it is clear that it might otherwise be wasted. It is essential, however, that such licences should not be granted regularly, and it is the business of traders to adjust their supplies to their rationed demands. Mr. BILLING Will the hon. Gentleman call upon the food committee for a Report in this connection, and I think he will discover that a great deal of food has perished in this way? Mr. CLYNES The committee are not slow to report any of these things without asking for information.