Estimates (Education Vote) 57. Mr. C. BATHURST asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that five hours only were available last Thursday for the discussion of the Board of Education Estimates, amounting in the aggregate to £14,500,000, an hour and a quarter of which time was occupied by the President of the Board in describing the work and policy of his Department; that although the rural education authorities have admittedly more serious grievances and more serious problems to face than urban education authorities, no hon. Member representing such authorities or desiring to speak on rural education had, through lack of sufficient time, an opportunity of addressing the House, including one who put a Motion down to reduce the Vote on the second day of the Session and whose name was first on the list of those intending so to do; and whether, seeing that there is a very general demand on both sides of the House that further opportunity should be afforded to hon. Members to criticise the increasingly important and extensive work of this Department, he will afford the necessary facilities for that purpose? The PRIME MINISTER If there is a real and general desire expressed through the usual channels for another day for a further discussion of the Education Vote, the Government will certainly endeavour to grant it. Mr. C. BATHURST Could the right hon. Gentleman arrange so that when this very important Vote is taken every year there shall be no private Bill nut down for the same evening? The PRIME MINISTER That does not rest with me, but with the authorities of the House. Mr. KING What is meant by "the usual channels"?