Removal Of Prisoner To Bucks County Asylum 66. Mr. WEDGWOOD asked the Home Secretary whether Harry Humphries was sent to the Bucks County Lunatic Asylum because he hunger-struck in prison; and who were the doctors who certified him insane, and how long he intends to keep him in this asylum? Mr. McKENNA This man was transferred from prison to an asylum in pursuance of a certificate of insanity submitted by two magistrates and two registered medical practitioners under the Criminal Lunatics Act, 1884. He will remain under the provisions of that Act till the expiration of his sentence in February next, unless he should be remitted to prison or discharged before then. The reports before me do not justify the adoption of either of these courses at present, but the case will be further considered in due course. Mr. WEDGWOOD Does the Home Secretary believe that the man is insane? Mr. McKENNA I am unable to form any opinion on the subject, except as advised by responsible advisers. Mr. WEDGWOOD Does the right hon. Gentleman agree that a man who goes on hunger strike and is not a suffragette has got to be condemned for life to a lunatic asylum instead? Mr. McKENNA No, Sir. It would depend entirely upon whether the medical practitioners advise that he is insane or not.