Ministerial Announcements Mr. Webb To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many ministerial announcements have not been made, in the first instance to the House; and of those how many were (a) speeches to outside bodies, (b) press releases, (c) press briefings and (d) made by other means, since 1 May; and if he will make a statement about his Department's policy in respect of making public ministerial announcements. [18894] Dr. Reid [holding answer 3 December 1997]: All major policy announcements are made to Parliament first when it is sitting. Since 1 May, my Department has made over 50 announcements by Press Release, including some relating to public speeches and Parliamentary announcements. Press briefings are often held to give further explanation to an announcement. In some cases, the importance of the subject matter may not warrant the issue of a Parliamentary announcement, a press notice as well as a press briefing or mention in a speech.