Steam Trawling Off County Antrim MR. BARRIE I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that, owing to the representations from fishermen of Portrush, Portstewart, and Magilligan districts as to the losses sustained by them owing to the operations of steam trawlers, an inquiry was held by one of the Fishery Board's officials in Portrush in September last, and that as a result of this inquiry the Fishery Board recommended to the Lord-lieutenant that steam trawling be prohibited within a line drawn between Donagree, county Donegal, and Bengore Head, county Antrim; and will he explain why this recommendation has not so far been given effect to, as at present steam trawlers are still inflicting loss upon the local fishermen. MR. BRYCE A by-law embodying the prohibition in question was approved by the Lord-Lieutenant in Council on the 24th instant, and was published in the Dublin Gazette of the following day.