Petrol (Lead Content) Sir Bernard Braine asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what special steps are being taken in the interest of environmental and personal health to reduce the current level of lead in petrol. Mr. Fowler I have been asked to reply. The current intention is to reduce the limit on the lead content of petrol to 0ยท40 grammes per litre from January 1981. The Government will consider whether any further action is needed when they have received the results of a review of the health effects of lead now being carried out for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Social Services by a working party under Professor Lawther. Account will also be taken of the results of the joint study with industry of the feasibility and costs of possible further action to limit lead emissions from vehicles. The report of this study, entitled "Lead in Petrol: An assessment, of the feasibility and costs of further action to limit lead emissions from, vehicles" was published by my Department in July of this year and copies are available in the Library.