Chequers 21. Mr. Summers asked the Minister of Works if he will give consideration to the idea of opening Chequers to the public on specified weekdays this summer during those months in which Parliament may be sitting. Mr. Stokes The Trustees of the Chequers Estate, of whom I am one, have considered this suggestion, but have decided not to open Chequers to the public. Mr. Summers Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that his answer will cause great disappointment to many people in the locality and particularly to the many foreign visitors, of whom it is imagined some may yet come during the course of this summer? Will he look at the matter again? Mr. Stokes I cannot promise to do that because it would be misleading. All sorts of complications arise, including the whole question of security, and I am not prepared to recommend that extra money be expended on Chequers. Mr. Boyd-Carpenter Would it not be better to leave the matter over for a short time, in view of the impending change of tenancy?