Interest-Free Loans (Repayment) Mr. Bowen asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the present amount of loans which have been made to the Treasury during the war, free of interest, and when these loans fall to be repaid. Mr. Dalton The total amount is £72,500,000, of which £46,500,000 are now outstanding. As regards repayment I would refer the hon. Member to the answer which I gave to the hon. Member for Royton (Mr. H. Sutcliffe) on 23rd August last, of which I am sending him a copy. Major J. Morrison asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the total amount of the loans made to the Government free of interest for the period of the war; and the date on which these loans will be repaid to the lenders. Mr. Dalton I would refer the hon. Member to the answer which I gave to-day to a question on this subject by the hon. Member for Cardigan (Mr. Bowen).