Royal Navy Flying Pay 28. Mr. J. Langford-Holt asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty what is the difference in daily flying pay paid to officers and petty officers; why this difference exists; and whether he considers that flying pay for both ranks is adequate after deduction of income tax. The Parliamentary and Financial Secretary to the Admiralty (Mr. John Dugdale) There is no difference in the daily rate of flying pay of 3s. payable to qualified officers and qualified air crew ratings. Flying pay at its present rate is part of the new pay code, but in common with all other items of naval pay it is constantly under review. Mr. Langford-Holt Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this differentiation has nothing whatever to do with the pay code, because it applies to all the services of the Navy; and is he further aware that there is serious dissatisfaction with the 1s. 6d. per day, which is not considered adequate for this type of duty? Mr. Dugdale I have said that there is no differentiation. The hon. Gentleman is under a misapprehension. Mr. Langford-Holt I mean the differentiation between the ordinary general rates and flying pay; 1s. 6d. per day is quite inadequate? Recruiting Service 29. Commander Noble asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he will now make a statement on the pay and conditions of the Naval Recruiting Service. Mr. J. Dugdale This matter is still under consideration. Commander Noble Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that that is exactly the same answer as that given to me about six months ago? Can he say when we might expect more details? Mr. Dugdale I cannot say when we expect to complete the results of the consideration, but I hope it will be before very long. There are a number of matters involved in this; it does not concern only my Department. Hms "Theseus" (Accident Inquiry) 30. Mr. Manningham-Buller asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether the report of the Board of Inquiry as to the loss of one midshipman, three ratings and the cutter of H.M.S. "Theseus" on 6th June has now been received and considered; and if he will make a statement with regard thereto. Mr. J. Dugdale The report of the Board of Inquiry has been received and is now being studied in the Admiralty. Until this study is complete, I shall not be in a position to make a statement, but I hope to make one before the Recess. Captain Marsden Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether all the bodies were recovered from the sea and, if they were, whether they were buried with full naval honours and whether the parents were given facilities to be present? Mr. Dugdale That is another question. Captain Marsden The right hon. Gentleman ought to know.