King George Hospital, Ilford 36. Mrs. Millie Miller asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what are the waiting times for out-patients' appointments at King George Hospital, Ilford; and whether the recent settlement of the consultants' dispute has resulted in any improvement. Dr. Owen The consultants at King George Hospital, who belong to the Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association, have been continuing their industrial action. The waiting times are as follows:present plight of voluntary organisations and the decline of voluntary community work. 51. Mr. Knox asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what representations she has received from voluntary organisations on their financial position; and whether she will make a statement. Dr. Owen I am well aware of the present financial difficulties of voluntary organisations and am taking steps, as far as possible, to maintain the value in real terms of the Department's budget for grants to them.I am not aware that voluntary community work is declining, and should be very concerned if it were. It is certainly our policy to encourage voluntary effort in the health and personal social services; and, in a joint circular issued on 23rd December 1974 on Rate Fund Expenditure and Rate Calls in 1975–76, local authorities were advised, in reviewing their social services programmes, to consider the possibility of better mobilisation of community and voluntary effort, and further developing collaboration with voluntary organisations.I share the view expressed by my hon. Friend the Minister of State, Home Office, in the debate on voluntary organisations on 8th July that, far from declining, the number of people involved in voluntary and community work is greater now than ever before.—[Vol. 895, c. 400.]