"C" Licences Mr. McLeavy asked the Minister of Transport how many new applications have been made over the past six months for C licences; the number of vehicles involved; and how many were granted. Mr. Barnes , pursuant to his reply [OFFICIL REPORT, 10th March, 1947; Vol. 434, c. 133], supplied the following statement:In the six months ended 28th February, 1947, new applications over the whole country were received for 52,111 "C" carrier's licences or defence permits, and for additions to existing "C" licences or defence permits, involving in all 65,123 vehicles. Of these, grants were made in respect of 64,680 vehicles. Two hundred and twenty-six applications involving 443 vehicles were outstanding at that date but have since been granted.The apparent difference between the number of applications and the number of vehicles is due to the fact that although several vehicles may be included in one. application form, a separate defence permit is issued for each vehicle.