Publicity And Advertising Mr. Malcolm Bruce To ask the Secretary of State for International Development, pursuant to her Answer of 2 December, Official Report, colum 131–32, on publicity and advertising, if she will provide a breakdown of (a) publicity expenditure by category for the last year for which information is available and (b) spending on recruitment advertising in 1997–98; for what reasons spending on recruitment advertising has risen since 1993–94; and if she will make a statement. [20058] Clare Short The total estimated expenditure on publicity for 1997–98 is £1.3 million, broken down as follows: ---------------------------------------- |Publications | ---------------------------------------- |British Overseas Development Newspaper| ---------------------------------------- |Exhibitions and Events | ---------------------------------------- |Video News Release | ---------------------------------------- |Development Education Grants | ---------------------------------------- The Development Education Grants are to non-government organisations producing work which increases the public's awareness of development issues.The current total expenditure on recruitment advertising in 1997–98 is £863,682.77.The increase in the cost of advertising is principally due to a higher number of posts now being advertised as a result of the enhanced role and remit of the department. The cost of advertising has also increased by about 5 per cent. per annum. It is our practice to hold open competitions and to advertise for all posts where possible, unless there are compelling circumstances to justify a nominated candidate.The number of recruitment advertisements placed in the last three years was: 1995: 1671996: 1901997: 247 (to date). We have also spent £2,746 in 1997–98 as the Department of International Development's contribution to the advertising of fast stream administrative posts by the Recruitment and Assessment Services.