Adviser On Industrial Publicity 46. Mr. William Brown asked the Minister of Production why a new appointment has recently been made of an officer in the Industrial Intelligence Division who has taken over the duties previously performed in an acting capacity by Mr. John D. Rodgers; what the age of the officer so appointed is; what post he held before he became a civil servant; and whether, in view of this appointment, the continued employment of Mr. John Rodgers in a capacity subordinate to that in which he has been operating for some time is any longer necessary having regard to his age? The Minister of Production (Mr. Lyttelton) As foreshadowed in my answer to the hon. Member on 9th December, 1942, I have since filled the post of adviser on industrial publicity, a post which, as I then indicated, I regard as one of considerable importance. The officer appointed is 38 years of age, and was joint public relations officer of the London Passenger Transport Board until October, 1941, when he was seconded to the Ministry of Supply for special duties in the offices of the Supply Council. I am satisfied that the continued employment of Mr. John Rodgers as deputy-adviser is necessary.