Telephone And Electricity Lines (Shared Facilities) 34. Mr. Vane asked the Assistant Postmaster-General on how many occasions during the last year he has come to an agreement with the electricity authorities to use the same poles to carry both services; and how many poles carrying both telephone lines and electric mains were erected during the same period. The Assistant Postmaster-General (Mr. David Gammans) Four thousand eight hundred and twenty-five occasions, involving 12,972 poles; the answer to the second part of the Question is 453. Mr. Vane Is my hon. Friend satisfied that 453 represents adequate progress and that there is not a lack of co-operation between the experts in the two services? Mr. Gammans The first figure refers to poles previously erected, but the second figure refers only to poles which were specially put up for the service. Mr. Bowen Will the hon. Gentleman do all he can to bring about further progress in this field, as it seems to provide the only opportunity that some rural areas will have of obtaining this essential service? Mr. Gammans I can give that, assurance. There is very close cooperation between the Post Office and the British Electricity Authority.