Arabia Mr. Skeet asked the Secretary of State for Trade, of the 42 per cent, increase in export sales to Arab States in the first nine months of 1976, if he will list those States in which increased sales have been obtained and the principal items of export that have led to the improved sales. Mr. Dell Following are the countries in order of size of absolute increase in the value of United Kingdom exports between January-September 1976 and the same period in 1975: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Dubai, Kuwait, Qatar, Syria, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen Arab Republic, Sharjah and other Northern Emirates, Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen.The main commodity sectors registering improvements were non-electric machinery, electrical machinery, transport equipment and metal and metal manufactures. This and more detailed information is available from Table V of the September issues of the Overseas Trade Statistics of the United Kingdom for 1975 and 1976.