Anti-Social Behaviour Simon Hughes To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, pursuant to his answer of 28 April, Official Report, column 207W, on the anti-social behaviour White Paper, if he will list the formal consultation processes which the White Paper drew on. [112144] Mr. Bob Ainsworth The provisions on Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) in social housing were consulted on in the document "Tackling Anti-Social Tenants", and other measures were consulted on as part of the assessment of regulatory impact. However, the White Paper is primarily a response to the concerns about antisocial behaviour raised with Government by local authorities and agencies and by members of the public including through their representatives in this House. Dr. Kumar To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what financial assistance is available from his Department for initiatives to divert young people from anti-social behaviour; and if he will make a statement about how such schemes have affected the Middlesbrough South and Cleveland East, constituency. [115547] Mr. Bob Ainsworth I refer my hon. Friend to the answer given on 29 April 2003, to the hon. Member for Mid-Worcestershire (Mr. Luff), Official Report, column 32W.In addition the Youth Justice Board funds 70 Youth Inclusion Programmes (YIPs) across England and Wales. They focus on a core group of 13 to 16-year-olds at risk of offending in deprived neighbourhoods and seek to reduce neighbourhood crime and arrest rates, truancy and exclusions among the target group. Their work includes tackling anti-social behaviour.The YIP in West Middlesbrough is highly regarded and has achieved much since it began in 2000. Recent data shows a 53 per cent. reduction in arrest rates among the target group. To provide further diversionary activities for a younger group (9 to 12-year-olds) a new 'Junior YIP' has recently been established in Whanney Bank. This has been funded by West Middlesbrough New Deals Community. The YIPs are strongly supported by the local Youth Offending Team.Positive Futures has a project called 'Hoop Dreams' in Teeside (running at Eston Sports Academy). Its funding for 2002–03 was £63,000, of which £19,000 came from the Home Office.In addition in the Middlesbrough/South Tees area four Splash schemes have taken place (holiday activities aimed at reducing youth crime). The four schemes were Central Middlesbrough, East Middlesbrough: two schemes in the Redcar and Cleveland area; one on the Eston and Teesville estates, and; one on the Kirkleatham and Dormanstown estates. Mr. Berry To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what discussions he has held with the Deputy Prime Minister on the effect of the provisions of the Anti-social Behaviour Bill upon the duties of landlords under Part 3 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the demotion of tenancies and exclusion from premises. [115274] Mr. Bob Ainsworth The Anti-social Behaviour Bill is a cross-departmental Bill. Officials and Ministers in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Office have liaised closely over the policy contained in the Bill.