Royal Naval Reserve 36. Mr. PETO asked whether preferential consideration for promotion to the rank of a commander on the active list of the Royal Naval Reserve is given to officers of the merchant service who have commanded a British ocean-going passenger steamer of not less than 4,000 tons gross for three years; how many of the present commanders on the active list of the Royal Naval Reserve have been promoted after service in command of cargo vessels only; and whether he will consider the desirability of abolishing this preferential treatment, if it exists, in order that service in command of cargo vessels will be no obstacle in the promotion of an officer who has shown zeal and ability whilst holding a commission in the Royal Naval Reserve? Mr. LAMBERT One of the ordinary qualifications for promotion to the active rank of commander in the Royal Naval Reserve is to have held command of a British ocean-going passenger steamer of not less than 4,000 tons for three years. Twelve officers now on the active list of commanders have not held command of passenger ships, but they have special service to their credit. The Admiralty has power to promote officers to the rank of Commander for specially good service. No reason is seen for departing from the present system. Mr. PETO Are there, as a matter of fact, any cases in which an officer who has been in command of a cargo vessel has been made a commander on the active list of the Royal Naval Reserve? Mr. LAMBERT I should not like to say for certain, but I think not.