Service Pensions (Forfeiture On Conviction) 54. Commander SOUTHBY asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he will take whatever steps may be necessary to prevent the loss of pension to any ex-service pensioner who may have been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment in any civil Court, observing that service pensions are deferred pay and have been earned by the recipient during years of good service with good character, and that such forfeiture, in addition to the sentence of imprisonment, constitutes a double punishment for one offence? Mr. PETHICK-LAWRENCE I am satisfied that the present Regulations governing this matter are adequate, and enable fair treatment to be given to pensioners. Commander SOUTHBY Is the House to understand that there is a discretion on the part of those in authority in regard to the giving or withholding of a pension after conviction in a civil Court? Mr. PETHICK-LAWRENCE The pension regulations of the Army, the Air Force, and the Admiralty provide for the forfeiture of pensions on civil conviction. All three Departments have the power subsequently to restore the pension, and, in cases of hardship, the pension or part of it may be paid to the man's wife or children during his imprisonment. Commander SOUTHBY Is the hon. Gentleman not aware that the question at issue is that a man's pension is what he has earned during a period of good character, and that it should belong to him, and not be subject to civil action afterwards?