Knives Mr. French To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many people were convicted for possession of a knife in public without good reason in each of the last five years. Mr. Maclean Information available centrally, which is given in the table, relating to the number of persons found guilty for possession of knives under the Prevention of Crime Act 1953 section 1, and the Criminal Justice Act 1988, section 139 for the years 1987 to 1991. Information for 1992 is not yet available.------------------------------------ |Police Authority |Hostel | ------------------------------------ |Cheshire |Bunbury House | ------------------------------------ |Cheshire |Linden Bank | ------------------------------------ |Cleveland |South Bank | ------------------------------------ |Devon and Cornwall|Dudley Centre | ------------------------------------ |Greater Manchester|Chorlton Hostel| ------------------------------------ |Gloucestershire |Ryecroft | ------------------------------------ |Hampshire |Dickson House | ------------------------------------ |Hampshire |Southampton | ------------------------------------ |Kent |Dover Bail | ------------------------------------ |Lancashire |Blackburn | ------------------------------------ |Leicestershire |Howard House | ------------------------------------ |Merseyside |Merseybank | ------------------------------------ |Metropolitan |Canadian Avenue| ------------------------------------ |Metropolitan |Corfton Road | ------------------------------------ |Metropolitan |Kelley House | ------------------------------------ |Metropolitan |Kew | ------------------------------------ |Metropolitan |Tulse Hill | ------------------------------------ |North Wales |Ty Newydd | ------------------------------------ |Northumbria |Cuthbert House | ------------------------------------ |Northumbria |Pennywell | ------------------------------------ |Oxfordshire |Clarks House | ------------------------------------ |South Wales |Emroch House | ------------------------------------ |Staffordshire |Lichfield Road | ------------------------------------ |West Midlands |Marshall House | ------------------------------------ |West Midlands |Stonnall Road | ------------------------------------ |West Midlands |Sycamore Lodge | ------------------------------------ |West Midlands |Welford | ------------------------------------ |South Yorkshire |Town Moor | ------------------------------------ |West Yorkshire |Howden House | ------------------------------------ |West Yorkshire |Walmer Villas | ------------------------------------ | |Beds | ------------------------------------ | |Hostels | ------------------------------------ There are approved probation/bail hostels in 36 police authority areas as listed: -------------------- |Avon and Somerset | -------------------- |Avon and Somerset | -------------------- |Avon and Somerset | -------------------- |Avon and Somerset | -------------------- |Bedfordshire | -------------------- |Bedfordshire | -------------------- |Cambridgeshire | -------------------- |Cheshire | -------------------- |Cleveland | -------------------- |Cumbria | -------------------- |Derbyshire | -------------------- |Devon and Cornwall| -------------------- |Devon and Cornwall| -------------------- |Dorset | -------------------- |Dorset | -------------------- |Durham | -------------------- |Essex | -------------------- |Essex | -------------------- |Greater Manchester| -------------------- |Greater Manchester| -------------------- |Greater Manchester| -------------------- |Greater Manchester| -------------------- |Greater Manchester| -------------------- |Greater Manchester| -------------------- |Hampshire | -------------------- |West Mercia | -------------------- |Herts | -------------------- |Humberside | -------------------- |Kent | -------------------- |Kent | -------------------- |Lancashire | -------------------- |Lancashire | -------------------- |Leicestershire | -------------------- |Leicestershire | -------------------- |Lincolnshire | -------------------- |Merseyside | -------------------- |Merseyside | -------------------- |Merseyside | -------------------- |Metropolitan | -------------------- |Metropolitan | -------------------- |Metropolitan | -------------------- |Metropolitan | -------------------- |Metropolitan | -------------------- |Metropolitan | -------------------- |Metropolitan | -------------------- |Metropolitan | -------------------- |Metropolitan | -------------------- |Metropolitan | -------------------- |Metropolitan | -------------------- |North Wales | -------------------- |Norfolk | -------------------- |Northamptonshire | -------------------- |Northamptonshire | -------------------- |Northumbria | -------------------- |Northumbria | -------------------- |Nottinghamshire | -------------------- |Nottinghamshire | -------------------- |Nottinghamshire | -------------------- |South Wales | -------------------- |Staffordshire | -------------------- |Suffolk | -------------------- |Suffolk | -------------------- |Surrey | -------------------- |Sussex | -------------------- |Thames Valley | -------------------- |Thames Valley | -------------------- |Thames Valley | -------------------- |Thames Valley | -------------------- |Thames Valley | -------------------- |Thames Valley | -------------------- |West Midlands | -------------------- |West Midlands | -------------------- |West Midlands | -------------------- |West Midlands | -------------------- ----------------- |Warwickshire | ----------------- |Warwickshire | ----------------- |South Yorkshire| ----------------- |South Yorkshire| ----------------- |South Yorkshire| ----------------- |West Yorkshire | ----------------- |West Yorkshire | ----------------- |West Yorkshire | ----------------- |West Yorkshire | ----------------- |West Yorkshire | ----------------- | | ----------------- | | ----------------- The approved hostel expansion programme aims to provide 1,365 additional places between April 1988 and March 1996. Of these, 914 are already on stream and are included in the tables. The remaining places have been provisionally allocated but until the appropriate properties or sites are identified the precise numbers cannot be determined. Mr. Michael To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the bail hostels and combined probation and bail hostels in England and Wales currently operated by voluntary organisations; and what target he has set for increasing this number by 1995. Mr. Maclean The approved hostels that are currently operated by voluntary managing committees are as listed: -------------------------------------- |Probation area|Hostel |Location| -------------------------------------- |London Inner |Kelley House|London | -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ |Probation area|Hostel |Location | ------------------------------------------------ |Avon |Ashley House |Bristol | ------------------------------------------------ |Berkshire |Elizabeth Fry |Reading | ------------------------------------------------ |Essex |Windyridge |Nayland | ------------------------------------------------ |Kent |Hollywood Manor |Sevenoaks | ------------------------------------------------ |London Inner |KPH |London | ------------------------------------------------ |London Inner |St. Edmunds |London | ------------------------------------------------ |London Inner |St. Mungo |London | ------------------------------------------------ |London Inner |St. Vincents |London | ------------------------------------------------ |Merseyside |Adelaide House |Liverpool | ------------------------------------------------ |Northants |Stone House |Northampton | ------------------------------------------------ |Northumbria |Ozanam House |Newcastle/Tyne| ------------------------------------------------ |Northumbria |St. Christophers|Newcastle/Tyne| ------------------------------------------------ |Warwickshire |McIntyre House |Nuneaton | ------------------------------------------------ |Yorkshire West|Cardigan House |Leeds | ------------------------------------------------ |Yorkshire West|Ripon House |Leeds | ------------------------------------------------ |Yorkshire West|St. Johns House |Leeds | ------------------------------------------------ The approved hostel expansion programme aims to provide 1,365 additional places between April 1988 and March 1996. Of these 914 are already on stream. The remaining places have been provisionally allocated but until appropriate properties or sites are identified the precise numbers cannot be determined. Within the overall programme there is no specific target for expansion by voluntary hostels.