Monthly Digest Of Statistics Mr. Austin Mitchell asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether the use of up-to-date weights in table 18.11 of the Monthly Digest of Statistics would change the figures; and whether he will give an indication of the principal changes that would thereby result. Mrs. Fenner The use of new weights in table 18.11 of the Monthly Digest of Statistics might have some effect on the figures, but it is not possible at present to calculate the precise effect. Work on an index with a base of 1980= 100 to replace the current 1975-based index is due to start later this year under the normal five-year cycle which applies to indices of this type. National indices are constructed in a way that enables them to be compared and combined with similar indices for other member countries of the European Community. Rebasing an index is a major task which takes many months to complete. A description of the construction of the 1975 index was given in Economic Trends, No. 312, dated October 1979. Mr. Austin Mitchell asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether the weights used in table 18.11 of the Monthly Digest on Statistics would be appropriate for the production of animal and animal products as shown in table 18.12; and whether he will indicate the principal changes, including in particular the weight for animal feeding stuffs. Mrs. Fenner It would not be appropriate to use the weights in table 18.11 of the Monthly Digest of Statistics for the production of animal and animal products as shown in table 18.12. The weights in table 18.11 relate to purchases for the "national farm" and different weights would be necessary for an index designed solely to measure purchases by producers of animal and animal products. A description of the current 1975-based index was given in Economic Trends, No. 312, dated October 1979.