Civil Defence Personnel (Reinstatement) 52. Mr. Hastings asked the Minister of Labour whether men conscripted for the N.F.S. can demand reinstatement in their former employment while this is denied to those who enlisted voluntarily; and whether he will consider the equity of making any distinction. Mr. Isaacs Men compulsorily enrolled in a Civil Defence Force under the National Service Acts after 10th April, 1941, acquired reinstatement rights under those Acts, and were therefore brought within the scope of the Reinstatement in Civil Employment Act, 1944. While it would have been inequitable to have deprived such persons of their rights, it was not considered practicable to bring within the scope of the Act the many other classes of persons, including volunteers for the National Fire Service and other forms of Civil Defence, who had performed valuable services during the war. Mr. Hastings Does not the right hon. Gentleman feel that it is a litle unjust to treat volunteers less favourably than conscripts? Mr. Isaacs I am not prepared to express an opinion, but I can say that anything that is to be done will have to be done by amendment of the Reinstatement Act.