A64 (Improvements) Sir Michael Shaw asked the Secretary of State for Transport what progress is being made on the A64 improvements in North Yorkshire. Mrs. Chalker Draft line and side roads orders are expected to be published for the Seamer and Crossgates bypass and for Seagglethorpe diversion in mid-1983. Provided the necessary statutory procedures are satisfactorily completed and funds are available, work is expected to start on both schemes in the mid-1980s.In addition, the following improvements on the A64 in North Yorkshire are expected to be completed in 1983: (a) Junction improvements Stoney Haggs Rise, SeamerRotten Row, SeamerWild Man, Tadcaster (b) Demolition of bridge over disused railway at Malton Gates. Tolls (Bridges and Tunnels) Mr. Nicholas Winterton asked the Secretary of State for Transport what is the annual revenue from major toll bridges and tunnels within his responsibility; and what is the cost of administering the collection of those tolls. Mrs. Chalker The only such crossing for which my right hon. Friend is responsible is the Severn bridge. The revenue in 1981–82 from this tolled crossing was £2·746 million and the cost of collecting it was £483,000.