Deferments, 1950 7. Mr. Redmayne asked the Minister of Labour the number of men deferred for National Service in 1950; the number exempted on medical grounds and on other grounds in that year; and the number of men deferred since the passing of the Act who have not been called up on the expiry of their deferment. Mr. Bevan The number deferred in 1950 was about 110,000: some of these deferments expired before the end of the year. The number found to be medically unfit was about 51,000. All men medically fit for service are called up on expiry of their deferment. Mr. Redmayne Is it the intention of the Minister to review the working of the National Service Acts in order to increase its effect on the avaliability of manpower for defence? Mr. Bevan We are doing that all the time. Mr. Redmayne But not enough.