Lorries, People And The Environment It being after Ten o'clock, MR. SPEAKER proceeded, pursuant to the order this day, to put forthwith the Question necessary to dispose of the motion relating to Lorries, People and the Environment. Resolved, That this House, recognising the need to make lorries less objectionable to people, less damaging to the environment and more economic, thus increasing the competitiveness of British industry and creating more jobs, welcomes and approves the Government's comprehensive package of lorry measures, including more new roads and by-passes, to relieve communities of traffic; regulations to make lorries quieter and safer, to control their size more strictly and allow them to run with fuller loads by increasing maximum permitted weights for lorries so long as they have five axles; more controls on the routes lorries take and on where they park; special assistance for areas most severely affected by lorries; more attractive grants to encourage freight shipment by rail and inland waterways; and tighter enforcement of standards.—[Mr. Lang.]