Warble Fly 52. Sir T. Moore asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware of the widespread damage being caused to hides by the warble fly; and what action he proposes to take about it? Mr. Hudson I am aware of the damage caused through the warble fly. I am sending my hon. and gallant Friend copies of Press notices advising stock owners as to the action which they should take. Sir T. Moore Is my right hon. Friend aware that in some districts up to 70 per cent. of the hides and meat are damaged through this pest, and, in view of the urgent necessity both for leather and beef, could not steps be taken by the Ministry to enforce action? Mr. Hudson My hon. and gallant Friend had better read the notice. Earl Winterton Is my right hon. Friend aware that climatic conditions have caused a plague of this pest this year, and will he call the attention of pests officers of county war agricultural committees to the need for action? Will my right hon. Friend be good enough to answer that question, because the matter is of some importance? Will he give it special attention? Mr. Hudson I am aware of the position. Sir J. Lamb Is not there a scarcity of the dressing which the farmers use? Will my right hon. Friend take steps to increase the amount? Mr. Hudson I will send my hon. Friend, too, a copy of the notice, and he will see that that point is dealt with.