Clause 50(Application, Amendment And Repeal Of Enactments Relating To Electricity Supply) The Solicitor-General I beg to move, in page 61, line 28, to leave out from "undertakers," to "shall," in line 29, and to insert: "except enactments applicable to local authorities or composite companies otherwise than in their capacity as authorised undertakers." This is an Amendment to a Clause which adapts to the Boards enactments which previously referred to undertakings. This effects a small amendment in Subsection (3). It provides that local enactments shall be adapted, other than those which refer to composite companies or local authorities in their capacity otherwise than as a statutory electricity undertaking. Mr. R. S. Hudson I am obliged to the hon. and learned Gentleman, but I am not sure that his description of this Amendment is absolutely accurate. I should have thought its object was to correct a mistake in Government drafting to which attention was called by the Opposition. Amendment agreed to. Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.