Unemployment Mr. McNamara To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list the latest available figures which indicate unemployment in each parliamentary constituency and in each electoral ward in Northern Ireland. Mr. Needham The information available is as follows:---------------------------- |Parliamentary constituency| ---------------------------- |Belfast East | ---------------------------- |Belfast North | ---------------------------- |Belfast South | ---------------------------- |Belfast West | ---------------------------- |East Antrim | ---------------------------- |East Londonderry | ---------------------------- |Fermanagh and South Tyrone| ---------------------------- |Foyle | ---------------------------- |Lagan Valley | ---------------------------- |Mid-Ulster | ---------------------------- |Newry and Armagh | ---------------------------- |North Antrim | ---------------------------- |North Down | ---------------------------- |South Antrim | ---------------------------- |South Down | ---------------------------- |Strangford | ---------------------------- |Upper Bann | ---------------------------- |Total | ---------------------------- Note: Figures for parliamentary constituencies are estimated from ward data. Since there are 566 electoral wards in Northern Ireland I will write to the hon. Member, giving unemployment figures for each electoral ward, and place copies of the information in the House of Commons Library.