Public Relations Employee (Suspension) 23. Mr. McAdden asked the Minister of Supply on what date Mr. Pat Dooley was suspended from work in the public relations department of the Ministry; what was his employment at the time of his suspension; what were the reasons for his suspension; what was his salary at the time; what is the total amount of money that has been paid to him since his suspension; and what is his present employment. Mr. G. R. Strauss Mr. Dooley, who was employed as editor of "R.O.F. News", was sent on special leave with pay on 7th May, 1948, because he was regarded as coming within the scope of the Prime Minister's statement of 15th March, 1948. His salary then was £916 16s. a year and £1,451 12s. was paid to him whilst he was on special leave. This special leave and payment to him ceased on 30th November, 1949, when his employment with the Department was finally terminated. Mr. McAdden Has the Minister any information as to the present whereabouts of this gentleman, as to why his employment has been terminated, and whether he is now working for the Cominform in Eastern Europe? Mr. Strauss I have had no responsibility for him since he left Government employ. Mr. McAdden Has the right hon. Gentleman any knowledge?